Monday, January 3, 2011

Why So Serious?

I won't go into why I decided to buy skin products that were supposed to smoothen skin and lessen pores' appearance (hint: 30), but I decided to add it to my daily routine. My program is as follows:

Twice a day, I lather my face for five minutes. In even circles I round my cheeks, past those pesky freckles, onto my forehead, down my little nose, and onto my chin. But here's the thing, I force myself to like it, to savor every second of those micro-beads sloughing off dead skin cells. In actuality, I make my cheeks puff up for 10 seconds then my mind takes over and I smile for the rest of the time, enjoying myself immensely. I smile whilst I peer at my face myopically in the mirror, I smile even if soap gets in my eyes. I think of smiley thoughts like kittens hopping into boxes, and big plates of spaghetti and meatballs, and raindrops on roses, and maybe even a nice canter in the Swiss Alps singing my lungs out over the hills being alive etc. 

Smiling decreases blood pressure, makes you relaxed, and boosts your immune system. It makes you feel good and makes you look younger. One of the secrets to the fountain of youth is relishing life, so I'm gonna keep with the regimen because I like the way my face looks and feels, and because I like how those 5 minutes makes me feel. Hey, I still get asked for ID when I buy lotto and wine, how 'bout you? 

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