Sunday, January 2, 2011

Anecdotal Evidence: I May Be Possessed By A Spirit

It didn't register until new year's eve, when my mother and I were in the kitchen cooking a few dishes to celebrate the new year with, and she started to sing softly behind me. I realized that she was singing "Alleluia" from the Gospel acclamation portion of mass. Like an M. Night Shyamalan flashback sequence I saw all the pieces, that I had blinded myself from, come together.

Back story: I had stopped going to Catholic church for a while and continue to mix and match different religious themes to fit my spiritual needs. I was brought up with Catholicism (in schooling and churching) but I had the option to go through the sacraments or not, so while my friends wore white and bowed before priests and confessed their sins, I sat in the pew watching, thinking we were too young to dedicate ourselves to one church. 

I keep my religious views from my family, who don't really care, but I believe that they (my mom) secretly wish I was more traditional when it comes to mass, prayers, and belief system. But the flashbacks caught me off guard: the night my mom asked me to read the newsletter from the church, the Catholic Journal carefully/carelessly placed near my kitchen chair, the several discussions of bible passages, the request that I pray at night, the frantic call to see if I would like a $400 nativity scene, the time when she gave me a kiss on the top of my head and a whispered "Amen", the eerie singing behind me. I am convinced that my mom is convinced that I am possessed by a demon. 

That, or she just wants me to accompany her to church on Sundays so we could laugh at the priest's off-key singing. I'll take the dramatic option please.

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